The Christian Online Magazine -
Unity, the Bond of Peace
The seat of Christian unity is in the heart or spirit: it does not lie in one set of thoughts, nor in one form and mode of worship, but in one heart and one soul. This unity of heart and affection may be said to be of the Spirit of God; it is wrought by Him, and is one of the fruits of the Spirit. This we should endeavor (give our utmost) to keep.
If others will quarrel with us, we must take all possible care not to quarrel with them. If others will despise and hate us, we must not despise and hate them. Seek peace as a bond, for it unites persons, and helps them live friendly one with another. A peaceable disposition and conduct bind Christians together, whereas discord and quarrelling disband and disunite their hearts and affections.
The bond of peace is the strength of earthly life
It unites us and makes living together pleasurable.
Even though we are many, yet we are One
In Christ's love, a gift not likely measurable.
The unity of heart and affection
Ought to be fervently sought
For by God's love we were born
And by Christ's blood we were bought.
Copyright 2003 by Jettie Hess